Pup Creek Falls - Last Outing Before Quarantine


Covid-19 is in the news and the case numbers are beginning to snowball. It doesn’t look good at all. Quarantine is coming sooner rather than later. We decided to get one hike in, our very first of 2020, with our friend Angela before the #*&! hit the fan. We made sure to keep some distance between us the whole way. Clearly, hiking outdoors would be a safe activity, right?

Wrong. The hike turned into an ordeal. The trail was more packed than I’d ever seen it. Every two minutes or so, we had to step off of the trail to avoid close contact with other hikers coming in the opposite direction. A lot of the trail is carved into the side of a cliff, so this was pretty challenging. And frustrating! Only two or three other couples/groups moved aside for us. Everyone else came barreling through.

It was hard to enjoy the scenery. And now the Governor’s orders are clear. Who knows how long it will be before we get to do this again? Might be a while.

Stay safe, everyone.