Elk & Kings Mountain

For our fourth and final pre-Saint Helens training hike, we had planned to hike the notorious Mt Defiance. At 3700 feet of elevation gain over 11 miles, it's the Columbia Gorge standby for getting in shape before tackling any of our local alpine summits. Unfortunately, it was closed as a result of last year's Eagle Creek fire. Someone suggested Elk Mountain, which has a similar distance/elevation. They told me it was a tough hike. But as a hike on the coastal range, which is usually associated with gentle grades, how tough could it possibly be?

The answer is, VERY tough, and I have a newfound respect for that range. We decided to go big and summited both Elk Mountain as well as Kings Mountain. The trail rose 2000 feet in the first 1.4 miles and was easily as steep as Mt Defiance -- but with a lot more ups and downs, rock scrambling (which was extra tricky in the rain), and even a section that was only passable by using a rope tied to a tree.

The Elk Mountain - Kings Mountain Loop is definitely a worthy alternative to Mt Defiance. We were in the clouds for a lot of it and I suspect that it could be a really scenic hike on a clear day. At around an hour's drive from Portland, it's a hike that I am glad to know about.

I think we're as ready as we're going to be for Mt Saint Helens next week.